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WHO: The Historical Preservation Society of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party, Ward Chapel, A.M.E. and the family of Mark Clark are inviting the community to participate in a series of public programs leading to the installation and dedication of Ward Chapel’s historical marker.
Mark Clark was assassinated with Illinois Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton on December 4, 1969, during an FBI and Chicago Police coordinated raid. These events are not just about sharing history but also about preserving and celebrating the legacy of Mark Clark. Partners include the Clark Virtual Museum, Trust for Public Land, and JAQ Corp Architects. Illinois Humanities sponsored the historical marker.
WHAT and WHY: Ward Chapel, A.M.E. Church stands as a unique site on the Black Panther Party Heritage Trail in Illinois. It is the only Peoria church that welcomed the Illinois Chapter’s Peoria Defense Captain Mark Clark to establish a Free Breakfast For Children Program. This remarkable act firmly established Ward Chapel's place in Panther history. In December 2023, the National Park Service added the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party to the National Register of Historic Places, further cementing Ward Chapel's historical significance.
With its legendary past, Ward Chapel is not only the oldest black church in Peoria but also the oldest church in the city. It has hosted speeches from notable figures such as Fredrick Douglas and Booker T. Washington and is now a site on the Black Panther Party Heritage Trail. Plans are underway to nominate Ward Chapel to the National Register of Historic Places.
WHEN and WHERE: These events lead to a public dedication and celebration of the Mark Clark and Ward Chapel historical marker on Mark Clark’s birthday, Saturday, June 28, 2025.
We invite media professionals and the public to join us at these free events!.